Thursday, November 22, 2007


We had an awesome Thanksgiving! We all try to bring something to add to the meal. Today was my turn to cook the turkey. Since this isn't something I do all the time I was worried. But as usual most things that you worry about don't happen. The turkey was great!

I am so thankful that I can spend time with my family. They are really nuts. You will always hear a lot of laughter. Of course if you don't fix something correctly you will hear about it.

My nephew Brent and his wife Natalie are expecting. So we are very excited about the first grand baby. Nine months seems like a long time.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Blog Use

I will continue to use this blog as a personal blog. This is a great way to share thoughts. I want to work more with videos and uploading them. I will set up a blog at Edublogs for students. This is the site that our district recommends. I want my students to be able to share their work with the world. How awesome is that!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007


A podcast that I enjoyed was Room 208 Podcast -- BONUS SHOW: The Flood of 2006. It was so neat to listen as the students and teacher tell what they experienced during the flood. It was such a great example of turning an event into a learning experience. What a great opportunity for the students to respond in a positive manner to a flood!

Monday, October 22, 2007


I had no idea what RSS was until this class. Watching YouTube video RSS in Plain English was very helpful to me. I am excited about going to one site and having the information come to me. This will save a lot of time. The challenge will be to get the sites I need and will use.

I organized my Bloglines feeds. This helped me to see categories and not just individual sites.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

All About Me!

I teach computer lab at Thomas E. Kerns Elementary, in Greenville, SC.

My husband, James, and I have one daughter, Nora. We also have a Jack Russell puppy. Zach is full of energy and brings much pleasure to our lives.

I have been teaching for 26 years. WOW, that still amazes me. I have taught at Greenview, Mitchell Road, Sans Souci, and Berea. I love teaching computers. It opens up a new world for students. They love to come to school to learn.

I have had training through Village Green. I am a Master Teacher for Intel. Using technology makes learning exciting for everyone.

I graduated from Furman with a BA and then furthered my education with a Master Degree in reading. I am certified to teach elementary education, early childhood, and reading.

A big part of my life is helping at my church. I work with the youth and media production (Song Show).